About the program

Information about Krivoy Rog can be obtained from newspapers, local reference services or books. But you could spend hours or even days looking for required information.

With our multimedia reference book "By streets of Krivoy Rog 2000" you will be able to locate information in minutes. The program contains categorized historical documents, phone books and images. It allows citizens and guests of Krivoy Rog to learn more about city history, attractions and future events.

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Main menu Interactive article Map Phone book

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Interactive map

Interactive map allowes you to view online version of Krivoy Rog city map without downloading the software. Please note that Java support has to be enabled in your browser.

Interactive map

System Requirements

Operating system:Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP
Processor:486 SX or higher
RAM:8 MB or higher
Video memory:1 MB or higher
CD drive
Sound card

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Please note that the demo version does not contain all the information available.

Download demo version (3.47 MB)

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Contact information

Please send your inquiries about the program to .

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